Corporate Moving Service

We Are Happy To Assist Your Corporate Relocation if you are a W&M Employee

Congratulations on your new opportunity with the College of William and Mary! If you are looking for a moving partner to help you make this move, we are glad to help!

Relocating for work is a huge step, it’s both exciting and full of new opportunities. However, it can also be very stressful. Dunmar Moving Systems is here to ease that stress.

We work swiftly and at a price that is affordable so you can stay focused on all the new possibilities that await you in Williamsburg, VA.

We offer a variety of packing options as well as levels of service meaning you can choose exactly how much assistance you would like. Feel like our basic services will have you covered? Great! Think you need something extra? We also have additional services so check out how else we can help with your relocation. With Dunmar Moving Systems, you’re running the show; we’re just along for the ride.

Changing jobs and transitioning your family to a new situation can be difficult. Our team of moving professionals will set you up for success in your new home. Our carefully screened drivers and movers provide the highest level of customer service. Count on Dunmar corporate moving service to make the most of your relocation move.