5 Tips to Organize your Garage on Move In

When moving into a new home, staying organized is easier when you start to organize as soon as you unpack! For those who have a garage at their new home this is often one of the locations in a home that tends to get messy and unorganized. It makes sense, after all, you may put those extra boxes that you are not sure what to do with right now out there, and then before you know it, you can hardly fit a car into the garage! It happens more times than what people realize. For those who want to keep their garage organized while unpacking, here are some great organization tips!

  1. Purge items if needed! If you are going to be cramped for space, consider what items that you no longer need. If you had done this before your move, then you should be set and can opt to not do this again.
  2. Group items together when placing this into the garage. Why is this? It makes it ten times easier to find what you are looking for. For example, those who are storing holiday decorations in the garage, need to put this all in the same spot to make it easier to find next  year.
  3. Make a floor plan that is going to be your visual for how you want the garage to be organized. For example, where will tool benches go? Where will sporting equipment be stored?
  4. Invest into some shelving units and other storage products to make the most of your space and to safely secure your items in the garage.
  5. Most importantly, when getting something out of the garage, be sure that you put it back. Consider having labels where things need to go so the entire family can make an effort to put things back to where they need to be.


Unpacking is a great time to ensure that you are staying organized for many years to come that you have at this location! And remember, if you are looking for professional packers and movers, contact us at Dunmar Moving!

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