Stress – Organizing After a Move

What is Stress – Organizing?


Spring is almost here, and that means that several people are looking for unique ways to organize their home after a move. And a new term that is being thrown around is “stress-organizing”. This is when people are so stressed with the current situation that they find themselves in, such as working from home due to the pandemic, kids being in virtual school, and other issues, that they channel this stress into organizing. However, stress-organizing is not going to give you great results every time. It can make this organizing project worse in some scenarios.


Places to Avoid When Stress- Organizing

So, what should you avoid stress-organizing? Here are a few places in your house that you will only want to organize if you have a clear head or it must be done. If you are just looking for a project to give you something to do with the stress and anxiety, then do not tackle the:

– Attic: There are too many items here that may be sentimental, and you are not in the right mindset to decide what can go and what needs to stay.

– Home office: If you are stressed, the home office is not the place to get rid of this anxiety. You will likely throw away things that you need later and get even more aggravated!

– Your closet: Do not throw away clothes that you may need later, and right now is your life not being super normal, you could throw away things that you need when the world returns to normal.

Areas to Target When Stress- Organizing

What can you stress-organize in your home? Here are 3 projects that you can tackle with that excess energy:

  1. The kitchen: If it has been a while since you saw the counter space, then you are going to want to channel some of this energy into cleaning this space. You will find that it can also help you to feel like your home is easier to breathe in as you are getting rid of some clutter!
  2. The junk drawer: Take some time and go through the junk drawer and organize this better. Consider getting some way to organize the items that you keep in here. This is a short project, but it can make you feel like you are taking a step in the right direction.
  3. The linen closet: Almost everything that you use in the linen closet is going to be something that you are using. So, take the time to make this neater and more organized.

While stress-organizing is a new term…it is one that many people can relate to. If you have recently moved into a new home, then stress-organizing may be something that you feel. But remember to take it one day at a time and you will be fine!

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