Our Advice for a Fast Move
Posted on: Wednesday, April 25th, 2018
We have been in business for several years, and during this time we have heard several stories from those who are looking to move or who have moved in the past. One of the most common dilemmas we hear about is a family ready to move, but they are waiting on selling their home. They often call us for a quote and want to know the timeframe for when we could move them on short notice, if they were to sell their home.
For those who are in a similar situation, they should know that they are not alone. It can be a frustrating time when you need to sell your home before you move, even though you are eager to move now. For this reason, we have compiled a list of tips to help make your home seem more appealing to potential buyers. This way, the next time you call us, it can be to arrange for pick up and delivery of your items!
- Make sure that your home has a nice smell to it. One of the main ways in which a potential buyer is going to judge your home is on the smell they find. If the home smells musty, it could make buyers walk away. So try burning a cinnamon candle, which is super welcoming, or have your home smell like freshly baked cookies, this can entice memories of childhood and let them fall in love with your home!
- Ensure that all the clutter in your home is out. Don’t try to hide this in closets or the like, as potential buyers will probably look in these areas. Instead, consider renting a storage building just to store those extras while selling our home and before your move.
- Do a few small upgrades to make your home compatible to what is on the market currently. We share several of these upgrade ideas via our social media from reputable sources.
- Be prepared to negotiate with the buyers on your asking price. Hardly no one ever gets their asking price the first time around. You have to weigh whether you are ready to move and will take whatever price comes your way, or if you are comfortable with sticking it out at your current home until the right offer comes around.
Remember, once you do make the sale, be sure to call Dunmar Moving to book your move. Do not wait until the last minute, as this could push back your move date.