Fire Prevention Week Reminders
Posted on: Wednesday, April 25th, 2018
Here it is again… Fire Prevention Week. This year it falls on October 5 and runs through October 11. Dunmar Moving Systems would like to recognize this important event and remind our Virginia movers about the importance of fire safety.
Here are some important considerations for fire safety during your Virginia move process:
Fire Safety while preparing to move
For everyone’s safety, gasoline-powered equipment, such as lawn mowers, motorcycles and snow blowers must be emptied of fuel and oil a few days before the move to assure complete evaporation. Propane tanks must be purged and certified before van transport. If your car is being transported, it should have less than a ¼ tank of fuel to allow for expansion.
By law, there are some items van lines are not allowed to move, so be sure you don’t pack them. Flammables, explosives and corrosives, ammunition and firearms, fireworks or flares, gasoline, kerosene, motor fuel and lamp oil, oil based paints, thinners and varnishes, lighter or starter fluids, fire extinguishers, nail polish remover, bleach, sterno, aerosol cans, propane tanks and cylinders, and matches cannot be transported.
Leave fresh batteries in all of your fire alarms and be sure they are in good working order for the next occupants.
Fire Safety in your new home
Check that all fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are in good working order.
Plug in each appliance one at a time and ensure they are working properly and their power cords are free of damage or frayed wires.
Develop fire escape plans for each member of the family. Each member should have more than one option for escape in case of fire.
Have a fire drill to practice the escape routes.
Keep a fire extinguisher in places where fires happen most frequently such as the kitchen.
For more tips on protecting your family and home from fire, visit the Fire Safety page at The National Safety Council.
Dunmar Moving Systems are your proven Virginia movers. We encourage you to consult with the real experts on fire safety. Contact your local fire department to find out about Fire Prevention Week activities and resources in your community. Move with fire safety in mind. Keep Safe!