Kitchen Packing Hacks

5 Packing Hacks for the Kitchen


When a person tells others that they are moving, they are often given tons of packing hacks and moving advice that they can choose to use or not. However, some of those packing hacks that are out there, are convenient and ingenious ways to pack that makes more sense in the long run. We have compiled some of the most common packing hacks that people are using while packing their kitchen to protect their belongings that could come in handy for you as well!


  1. Start decluttering now…this is not only a great packing hack to remember, but also going to save you money in the long run. Remember, the less time and weight that you move, the less this move is going to cost you. So, start the decluttering process now, donate those things that you do not need and if items are broken, it is time to toss those. Have a ton of plastic bowls without lids? If you are not going to use them then it is time to toss them!


  1. When packing your kitchen dishes, you will find that placing Styrofoam or paper plates in between the plates is a great way to cushion these. If you have tons of these paper plates setting around, it is a quick way to use these and not waste them.


  1. Take some socks and place these over your wine or champagne glasses. You will find that you can still use the socks once you arrive at your new home, it just adds some extra padding to your glasses.


  1. Place your spice bottles into one of your pots or even a slow cooker that has a lid. It is just one way to keep all your kitchen items together!


  1. Remember, to keep the boxes that you pack in the kitchen below 50 pounds. It can be super easy to pack a kitchen box and find that it weighs a ton. The best advice try to use small and medium sized boxes in the kitchen, since many of these items do have some weight to them.
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