Moving Your Desk

How To Move A Personal Desk


With more people working from home in the past year than there has ever been before, the number of personal desks that are in a home have sometimes doubled. And when it comes time to move, you want to ensure that your desk makes it in one piece to your new home…especially as many people are staying with the work from home gigs that they have. So, what are the issues that people have when it comes time to move their personal desk?


For one, this is often a large piece of furniture. After all, you needed room to work from home! Two, you have all those items that are on your desk that must be packed before you can even think about moving this desk. So, what are the steps to moving a personal desk?


  1. Pack up the items on your desk. This is not just about packing the paper, books, pens, or pencils that you have on the desk. You also need to remove the printer and other equipment that may call this desk home. Be sure to pack all the wires with the proper equipment so that you can easily unpack when you get to your new home.


  1. Is the desk worth moving? Remember, when you are moving the professional movers are charging you by the weight of the items that you are moving. Is this desk worth moving? If it wobbles, you have duct taped a leg back onto it, the drawers fall out, and it is not too steady, then chances are you would be better off to get a new desk and get rid of this one without moving it to your new home.


  1. Once you decide that you are taking your desk with you, then it comes down to getting this desk down to its basic shape. This means taking apart those items that can be taken apart. For example, removing drawers that are in the desk. Making sure that trays are no longer in the desk. The good news is that when you work with professional movers like Dunmar Moving, you will find that we can disassemble this for you so that is one less thing on your to do list!


  1. All the components of the desk need to be wrapped to ensure that it is safe while being moved. We will use furniture pads and other elements to ensure that this is protected while it is moved and transported to your new home.
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